Pleasant Valley WTF Improvements
Brattleboro, Vermont
The Pleasant Valley Water Treatment Facility (WTF) was constructed in 1989. The facility was designed using the Trident® Microfloc Process using package adsorption clarifiers and rapid rate mixed media filtration with stainless steel filters. The facility has provided treated water of exceptional quality for three decades. However, updates to the Water Supply Rule have resulted in regulatory noncompliance in terms of treatment capacity and filter to waste
A Preliminary Engineering Report was completed in April 2020 and identified several deficiencies with the existing facility. These included structural integrity of the building, regulatory treatment capacity, lack of filter to waste provisions, noncompliance with
current energy code, high seasonal manganese concentrations, and aging equipment.
Final design and permitting was completed in February 2021. A pilot study was conducted during final design to determine the required contact time for manganese removal, which resulted in the inclusion of 1,200 feet of 24" diameter contact piping between the raw water pump station and WTF. The final design also included replacement of the WTF building and all equipment and components in the WTF; improvements to the raw water pump station building and replacement of all equipment and components in the pump station; repairs to the raw water intake structure; refurbishment of the three existing filters; addition of a fourth filter; upgrading the system-wide SCADA system; and elimination of the settling lagoons with an equalization tank and municipal sewer connection.
The project was bid in April/May 2021 and began construction in July 2021, with an expected completion date of July 2023.
Key Features
Addition of a 4th clarifier/filter unit to restore the original 3 MGD capacity.
Replacement of one and refurbishment of two existing filter units, including the addition of filter to waste provisions.
Larger WTF building to accommodate the additional filter and storage/maintenance space.
Increased KMnO4 contact time to improve manganese removal.
Upgrade the town-wide SCADA system, including all remote tank, PRV and pump station sites.
Install the first-approved water source heat pump for WTF heating/cooling using the 3 MG clearwell with recycle to the distribution system (approval by the DWGPD).
Permitting included Building Permit, Act 250, Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater.
All the good things the client had to say will go here.
Dan Tyler, Public Works Director
211 Fairgrounds Road
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
Phone: 802.245.4255