North End Ejector Station Improvements
Barre, Vermont
The City of Barre owns and operates an existing pneumatic ejector station on North Main Street used to convey wastewater from 12 residential and commercial connections. The ejector station was originally constructed in 1966 and has exceeded its estimated design life causing operational and maintenance concerns for the Department of Public Works.
The City consulted with Dufresne Group through a qualification-based selection process to acquire a Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF) planning loan to evaluate the station’s status and improvement alternatives.
Dufresne Group observed the existing conditions and consulted with the DPW regarding maintenance and operation. After considering the existing conditions DG authored a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to review replacement options for the station. A suction lift station and a submersible station were both considered viable alternatives and preliminary layouts were drafted for both systems. Ultimately, it was determined that a submersible station would be the optimum replacement option and was recommended as a design and construction project for the City to pursue.
Final design of the station replacement was completed as outlined in the PER using CWSRF funds. Included in the project were approximately 100 LF of water main replacement and 100 LF of roadway reconstruction. The construction project is currently underway with substantial completion anticipated in June 2023.
Key Features
TR-16, 10 State Standards, and the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules utilized as the design standards for the evaluation.
Considered possible growth based on undeveloped lot size adjacent to the project area.
Coordination required with VTrans to review project impacts to the Washington County Railroad.
CWSRF Loans for preliminary and final design phases.
Estimated Construction Cost: $1,208,200
Brian Baker,
Director of Public Works & Engineering
6 North Main Street, Suite 1
Barre, VT 05641