We will always do the right thing. Our interactions with each other, clients, and colleagues will be honest and truthful.
We strive to meet our client's needs on time and within budget.

We will grow both personally and professionally to help our employees and clients achieve success.
In all our interactions we give and strive to earn respect.

We identify opportunities to utilize creative solutions to challenges to provide the best value for our clients.
Personal Development
Never stop learning. Every experience provides the opportunity to learn and grow.

We support our employee’s personal and professional lives. At Dufresne Group, family values are a priority. Our offices are located first near where area office managers live and secondly at key client locations. Driving an hour or two to work detracts both from work efficiency and most importantly from family time. Generally, if you are in Vermont, we have an office near you. Our wide area network is strong and independent of office locations. Engineers and technicians from all four offices work together to share resources and talents.
Giving Back
It is important to us to give back to the communities that we work with. Our staff do this through volunteering on community boards and coaching local sports teams. Our company gives back to the community by annually sponsoring First Night North and providing regular support to the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, and Springfield on the Move. We also give back to support future engineers through sponsorship of MATHCOUNTS, the VT STEM Fair and Vermont Drinking Water Week.